Sunday 15 May 2011

MSI Latest Wind U230 Notebook

Clipboard023 Latest MSI Wind U230 Notebook
MSI brings latest Wind U230 notebook, it comes with excellent features and design. It is best netbook for your office as well for your personal use. it includes finest features such as an AMD Neo X2 MV40 1.6GHz prcoessor, a 12.1 inch LCD monitor with a resolution of 1366 x 768, 4GB of RAM, 250GB, a 160GBor a 320GB hard drive, Ethernet, Bluetooth, a 1.3 megapixel camera, WiFi, a card reader, option of either a 3 or 6 cell battery. It runs Windows 7 Home Premium, it has awesome slim design I m sure you will enjoy to wok on this latest notebook.
MSI’s Wind U230 notebook is built in advance technology, it has less weight you can easily carry it n travel. We have seen a lot of notebooks in market but I found this latest MSI’s notebook best. Its display monitor is also finest, it includes an excellent web camera. If you arte planning to buy a notebook then just try this latest MSI’s notebook. There is a lot of Netbooks are available but this latest MSI’s netbook is the best.
MSI is a well known company for making laptops, notebooks in market and now this latest MSI’s Wind U230 notebook is awesome. There is no price details are available just check out the above images.


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