Sunday 15 May 2011

Toshiba Latest Portable USB-powered 14-inch LCD

toshiba Toshiba Brings Latest Portable USB powered 14 inch LCD
In market there is no dearth for LCD now here is a latest portable LCD from Toshiba dubbed as the Mobile LCD monitor. It arrives with stylish design and features. You can be capable to adjust to your small net-book screens. The most useful part is that it needs no AC adapter, but uses power from the USB port on your PC. It is built in LCD is a 14-inch unit, you can set aside in a little leather case that can be propped up for trouble-free viewing.
The USB port is also used to launch the video out to the screen in a resolution of 1366 x 768, alike to its 14-inch notebooks. It is built in advance technology. Toshiba is a well known company for making PC gadgets now this latest portable USB-powered 14-inch LCD is awesome. The USB video is powered by DisplayLink tech and the Mobile Monitor comes with the price tag of $199.99.
The latest LCD comes with very portable and handy design, you can easily carry it anywhere. There is no more details are yet available about this latest portable USB-powered 14-inch LCD just check out its latest above image and details. Would you like to buy this latest LCD?


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