Wednesday 27 April 2011

Desktop Computer CPU: The Dangers of Overclocking

CPU overclocking has always had a hold on many diehard computer enthusiasts and gamers. Who does not want a CPU that performs at its very best?
Simply put, overclocking means running your PC computer hardware at its fastest. And you have to do this while maintaining the stability of your system. If not done properly, overclocking can destroy your desktop computer CPU or laptop computer CPU in short order.
Here are two problems that you may have to face when you overclock your computer CPU:
* Overheating
When computer hardware is being used, it gives off some heat. The harder a computer component works, the more heat it gives off. Consequently, overclocking your computer CPU will also cause it to generate more heat than it would otherwise normally make. You are opening the doors to overheating problems when you overclock your CPU.
If you are intent on overclocking your CPU, make sure that you have an advanced computer CPU cooling system in place. Computer water cooling is a very effective but costly way to control computer CPU temperature. A more affordable solution is to replace the heatsink fan with a more efficient one, or to use a thermal paste if you have not already done so.
* System failure
As with all machines that are run beyond their normal specifications, you will be dealing with system crashes — which can range from minor to very major depending on how large your overclocking mistakes are.
You can be dealing with a functional computer but a desktop or laptop computer CPU that is less powerful than its normal specifications. You can also be entertaining a lot of system crashes, or a dead computer and a busted CPU in a worst case scenario.
Overclocking is a risky business but the rewards are great — just make sure you do it right


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